Saturday, September 26, 2009

Long time no "c", Romance

Im quite busy cuz my exam is gonna come. Im juz studying n studying, I have no time 2 come 2 my blog! Anyway, I still have a little time, i mean if i don't have time how can be writting this post! Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha.(not funny)

Someone like me! He even say in d future if he can't marry me, his gonna jump down from d KL tower! His like a nerdy nerd! Nerdier than a big fat nerd! Im done, juz calm down.....

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

My neighour's cousin

My neighours cousin, Harsha, is a very naughty toddler. Today me n my neighours r playing behind my house. Then, i juz TOUCHED her n she said "i go tell my mum!" Come on, i juz touched her! Then, she kept beating me!When me n my neighour was playing, n i ran quickly cause my neighours chasing me. Then, her leg was in d middle of d "road", i cant see it so I triped and fell. N she even told her mother that it was me that make her fell! I hate Her!

Monday, July 27, 2009

Yo dude!

I have facebook now, come visit. Its suitable for all ages, of course.

Thursday, June 25, 2009

D Day Is Coming.......

My practical piano exam is on 1st of May, that means next Wednesday. U people will think Im not nervous, but I am nervous. I kept practicing the songs, the scales bla bla bla................. Oh, my bro's exam is on2nd of May( later than me of course), but his d frist 1! Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha(crazy) hahahahahahahaha..............

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

HHHHHHH... I who m afraid... HHHHHHH...

The person sitting beside said he "likes" me! He's name is Foo Jing Heng. He's so short! He's just around the height of my shoudler! he's so............................................................. naughty! Only a ghose will like him!

Who's Them??????

2 person followed my blog. But I have no idea who r they?! Their names r Celina n Handy. Anyone know who r they, pls leave a commet. ( Celina or Handy can leave a comment too. Thank U!)

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Me eye!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Its early 2 weeks ago, I hurt my eye . I spin and spin and spin, then I get dizzy. Then I hit d piano because I'm dizzy. My mum tought i fight with my bro, so she did dun come and ask what's happening. After a few minutes, mother came and see what's happening. She saw my eye and ask my bro what happen. Ai....................... but my eye is better now. Dun worry!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!